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Monday, May 28, 2012

Because Yes, I LOVE Twilight

I love John Green and I love the Twilight series. In this video, two things I love merge. He starts out by pointing out the obvious flaws in the series, like that a clumsy vulnerable seventeen-year-old girl falls in love with a vampire over a century old. Then he discusses why it's amazing anyway. I get a lot of garbage for being-- dare I say it?-- a Twihard, but knowing that this grown man who writes awesome books is too, I feel like I get some credibility. :)


  1. Words alone cannot express my love for this video. I've already sent it to my girls and am thinking of posting it on facebook. I don't remember when I've laughed so hard at an AUTHOR! So many favorite lines (and to show my true geekiness, I listened repeatedly to the video until I could transcribe bits and save them in a Word document):

    “...and apparently, this is what girls want us to be: is sparkling, non-farting, 107-year olds in 17-year old bodies.”

    “I want to explain why it’s wrong for adults to have romantic relationships with teenagers: it’s not because we look old. It’s because we ARE old. It’s not a question of the youngness or chiseledness of your pecs, it’s a question of how many times you’ve been around the sun.”

    "But we all romanticize the people we adore, particularly in high school, and Edward Cullen and Jacob Black are both really well idealized romantic others, and by “well idealized romantic others” I, of course, mean that they are hot."

    “It reminded me of what I really do like about Twilight: it’s fun, it distracts me from the pain and brokenness of the world, and it argues that true love will triumph in the end, which may or may not be true, but if it’s a lie, it’s the most beautiful lie we have.”

  2. This is absolutely AMAZING!!! I, myself, am a Twihard and counting down the days until Breaking Dawn Part II. This video is such a breath of fresh air to hear that these books seem credible, worthy, and educational from someone other than my 15-year-old Female students! Although he does point out the major flaws in the novels, these are accurate statements. However, the overlaying theme of the Twilight series is the transcendental ability of love. I think he highlights this well in the video. Great post!

  3. I agree that scaffolding YA novels with classic literature in order to help students create a relationship with literature is a smart idea. Reading is more important than most people realize and having the love of it absent from one's life is hurtful. Also, even though the video was quite funny and educational, I just cannot stand Twilight (no offense) and I do not know if I could stand teaching it. However, I did appreciate the video.
